Monday, January 26, 2015

26 January - Snow Day!

It's been a mega snowy day here today.  It sort of caught me off guard, even though the news has been blasting about a big storm for days - apparently I haven't been paying attention.  Anyway, I've loved the snow day.  It's been a change from the dull grey of winter and it has covered the dirty snow left from the last storm, making it all white and pretty again.
It's still snowing outside and the weatherman says it will continue through the night.  I'm secretly hoping for another snow day tomorrow - no school run always makes me happy.  Meanwhile I'm inside, nice and warm and working neat rows of stitching on my little star quilt above.  I'll tell you about this quilt one of these days, once the memory of the many swear words that passed my lips whilst creating it aren't so fresh in my mind.  ☺ 
Toodles....L x ♥
P.S.  I asked the Mister to take a few snaps of the snow for me.  This is what he presented me.....lovely eh?
Yes, Charlie is having a wee in the snow!


  1. For people like us who do not have snow ; these snow photos are so lovely to look at...Have a lovely day! Gaia.

  2. Looks nice bet its cold. Nice pics.. Husbands!!! say no more;-)

  3. Wonderful pics. I especially like the pegs on the line, where is your peg bag sister?
    I have only made one quilt , so far, it is a Raggy Quilt and snipping the seams is taking forever.
    Good on you Charlie.

  4. Soooo pretty isn't it? That quilt looks pretty difficult to me. Anything with starry points scares me !


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