I've spent the entire day thinking today was Friday.
But it's not.
The weather confused me.
It is supposed to snow on Friday.
But it snowed today.
And therefore I was confused.
Day + Snow = Friday
So I am blaming the weatherman.
Things have been fairly quite here at Castle Gephart (actually it's been freezing here, minus temperatures, 2 hour school delays, so perhaps it is Igloo Gephart?). I've been clicking away at my cardigan on my lunch break and hooking away at my blanket before nodding off in the evening. Sunday morning however saw me rise bright and squirly for some stitching....
I made a mad dash this evening, leaving the men folk to burn the dinner themselves, to the fabric store for fabric...but came home instead with a book.
WOW! Can you believe my little cheapo scanner made such a wonderful photo of my new book?
I can't.
Anyway, at 40% off I could hardly pass it up.
So while the boys mastered the art of pikelet making....
I perused it's pages. It's a good one. Buy it if you see it. The cover is just a tiny peak of the fabulousness inside. Fantastic little things to make with wonderful instructions.
Supposedly a Mickey Mouse pikelet....hmmm...sort of.
Anyway, I'm now relieved of my 'after dinner pikelet making duties' which have been in high demand this week. Big J has the task fully mastered. So I can spend more time pinning and stitching!
What have you been up to?
Is the weather been treating you kindly?
Do you have snow or heat?
Do you like pikelets too?
I love my with butter and a tiny smidgen of golden syrup
Toodles...L x ♥