After being stuck in the house for more than two weeks with a snow on the ground and my continuing fear of falling on the slippery stuff, Big J decided enough was enough and it was time to drag me out the house before I became a hermit.
He is SO careful with me, making sure I have an arm to hang onto when the going gets slippery as my ankle still refuses to behave properly. I'm so glad he got me out of the house for a couple of hours, I love that big kid of mine. Of course, he took me to my favorite place.
The Flea Market.
Today was two dollar day, I every treasure I found only cost me two dollars.
Fabulous! My kinda prices.
:: Beautiful cross stitch linens ::
:: 3 Yards of fabulous fabric ::
:: An Enormous Bird Tin ::
- big enough head in, not that I would.
The colours are so vibrant and the birds are beautiful. Too lovely to pass by.
:: A sweet little pooch ::
To join my ever expanding collection of dogs, which are all lovingly referred to as 'Stanley'.
This little adventure out as left me smiling from ear to ear. I was really feeling the worst of those January blues and today has just swept them away.
I hope you had a wonderful day too.
Toodles...L x ♥